Sunday, March 20, 2005


Here is my review of SXSW

The hipsters are right . . . belive the hype.

Bloc Party is amazing. This is going to be the next big thing . . . they have everything you need to make it in rock . . . great beats, hella cool vocals, beautiful driving music, and a black lead singer with a heavy south leeds accent. Listen to "The Answer"

Kaiser Cheifs are pretty great themselves . . . they sound like the CD but I think they have room to grow . . . listen to "Oh my God"

Kasabian put on the best show of the festival, for me anyhow . . . I had never heard this band, and they blew my mind . . . Very big rock. They put on a stadium show in a smallish venue. Greatness!! Listen to "Club Foot"

Shout Out Louds . . . they are very cool. They are kinda southern rockish/alt-country with a bit of electronica . . . they are from Stockholm. I dig them. Listen to "But Then Again No"

Death From Above 1979 . . . HARDCORE. This is one of the coolest shows I saw. Jst a drummer and a bass player . . . fucking hardcore and badass . . . made me want beat the hell out of a 19 year old metal kid in a mosh pit . . . that hasn't happened in a while . . . Listen to "Romantic Rights"

Otherthan that I met Elijah Wood and asked him "What news from the Shire?"
He gave me a dirty look.

SXSW was amazing . . . I'll go inot more later . . . hopefully . . .

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