Saturday, February 05, 2005

Live from D.C

I've spent 45 minutes driving around the US Capitol building and managed to not be arrested . . . but somehow, I don't think this is some major feat, which is a little scary. I then managed to recieve directions, park, and was greeted by a man in Shakespearian garb, baring specifics as to how to get to 10 3rd St. I later found out that he was going to kill my best friend in approximately 10 minutes. So, I thanked the man, headed to my car, got my bag, and proceeded inside the house where I currently sit, updating my BLOG, watching Desperate Housewives, and waiting for my best friend to hurry up and die, so he can come see me after intermission. Tonight is going to be interesting . . .

So, I have been dubbed project manager for . . . we'll get into that later . . .

I just had chicken for the first time in a long, time . . . . I should have chicken more often . . .

My right now is:

". . . this moment of clarity..."

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