Saturday, September 10, 2005


Seattle was fun . . . the whole town kinda gives off the "too cool for school" vibe, but otherthan that, it's a great little town. It's bigger than I thought it was going to be . . . Michael and I went and saw Jude night before last. He was really mediocre, but I was happy to be seeing live music in Seattle . . .

I can tell you that there is atleast one pretty cool disc golf course in Seattle . . . fucking hippies . . .

I did leave one day early to go back to Portland, my new favorite town, usa. Portland rocks man, I'm telling you . . . I got in town and went to this amazing dive of a movie theatre to see the new Jeff Buckley documentary, then Heather and I continued our tour of the city . . . I'm seriously falling for this city fast, it's kinda ridiculous . . . anywho, we had a great time . . .

And, just so you all are aware, I'm sitting in the Portland airport, wait to come home . . . welcome me, I might not be staying long . . . I might be in Florida for the month of October . . .

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