Monday, October 31, 2005

Coming home

Coming home

So, I'm about to do my last day of shows in Winter Haven, FL. This has been a very interesting time for me . . . let's see . . . I've lost 15 lbs. I got rid of one of my credit cards, and took a chunk out of the other one. I fell for a girl with a boyfriend, but managed to sleep with her every night for 2 weeks. I quit smoking. I'm learning more about theatre by doing these shows, than any college class I took. And I've made some amazing friends.

I'm very ready to come home. So, just an update . . .

I'll be home from November 5th through the 20th. I have a commitment with the Dallas Theatre Center for A Christmas Carol. (Doing lighting)

Then on the 20th, I head to Valdosta, GA. Until the end of the year. I'll be doing one of two shows down there, acting in them. This is monetary decision. The lighting work I do in Dallas is virtually non-existant in the month of December. So, I'm going where the work is. This is so I can have enough money to move to NY in January. I'm really starting to believe that this is going to happen. I've unbalanced my life enough now, that I really have no reason NOT to move to NY, otherthan money, and that's being taken care of with these gigs.

I'm finally in a decent place, I think . . . or atleast getting there. To all of my friends in Dallas . . . I'm home for 2 weeks. Please try to see me. To all of my friends in NY . . . I'll see you very soon, start looking for a job for me. To all of my friends in Florida . . . you'll never really know how much you mean to me . . . I never thought I could be so affected here, but I certainly am . . . thank you.

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